Divided We Fall

Month: June 2016

Songwriting Process for “Campfire Song”

Campfire Song” was the first song I wrote for this album, and was going to be the title of the entire album. However, as I started writing the other songs I realized that there was more to the album than just this song. Still, “Campfire Song” was the source of inspiration for the entire album, and it really came about from a state of frustration.

The frustration is with the inability for our government to work together and make changes that America needs. Yes, we need a lot of change, yes, both sides need to work together, and yes, neither side has it right. “Campfire Song” is a song that will hopefully get people in the mindset of understanding that disagreeing just means there needs to be a creative way of moving forward. Yes, we disagree… but it is time to get together and figure out a way of working together. That is what this song is all about.

Song Selection for “Divided We Fall”

The songs for “Divided We Fall” were real easy to make. I didn’t have a list of songs to choose from, instead I wrote each song specifically for this album. The overall idea for the album was to write songs that were about the personalities of the 2016 presidential candidates and a general song or two to use as glue for the album. So the song content selection was really decided by the presidential candidate race this year.

The interesting thing about writing an album like this is that I don’t, or didn’t know what was going to happen with the candidates as I wrote their songs. For instance, I wrote Cruz’n before Ted Cruz dropped out of the race. I knew, of course, that I would be writing songs about candidates that would not make it to the final round… so writing a song that could describe a candidate that was either going to win or lose was a parameter of my writing that I was careful about.

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